Our Latest Collection of news and stories for Landlords.
Summer Boom
“Summer boom” in upmarket central London lettings as Mayfair has post-election bounce
It’s not just super-rich property buyers who breathed a sigh of relief when the result of the General Election was announced: new figures suggest landlords were also pretty … read more
Tax Changes
In the most recent Budget Announcement, George Osborne cut landlords’ tax relief for those paying higher rates of income tax.
Currently, landlords can offset the interest on their mortgage repayments against the income they incur on the rethey incur on the rent payments. Landlords, can deduct their costs including mortgage interest payments … read more
Landlords wake up to Osborne’sopposing the changes. 150pc tax
The Chancellor’s complex new tax – which will see some buy-to-let investors paying more than 100pc of their profits in tax –has prompted over 15,000 signatures on an online petition opposing the changes. The opposition is supported by different real estate sector, industry, and taxing and financial experts as Webtaxonline just to name one of them.
Sign this petition here … read more
Time for a rent review?
Whether you are a first time Landlord, or a portfolio investor, arrange a rent review with our Director, ARLA member Matt Martin.
He can review your existing and upcoming tenancies and advise on legislation changes and arrange valuations on your upcoming available properties.
We are offering an exclusive rent guarantee product for Ivy Gate Landlords. Email Matt here …